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18th December 2008
osgNV 0.6.2 released, with physics engine support!
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osgNV 0.6.2 has been released today, with the integration of the latest Cg 2.1 runtime, including supports of new profiles, geometry shaders, texture sampler uniforms, new buffer uniforms and related examples. You may download it at the SourceForge page.

Another important feature of the new release is a preliminary integration of OSG and PhysX libraries, which makes it possible now for OSG developers to implement collidings, rigid and soft objects, cloth and clothing, fluids and many other physics simulations. The new module, named osgNVPhysx, is going to support the nVIDIA PhysX and even more physics engines (because of its open structure in design) step by step! Creation and computation of rigid actors are provided at present.

6th December 2008
osgNV Comes Back!
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The osgNV comes back on Dec 6th, 2008! You may download a pre-0.6.1 version at the SourceForge page. Please keep an eye on the revived project from now on.

This project had been discontinued since 2 years ago because of the well supported of the integration of OSG and GLSL, but still a great way to take advantages of modern GPUs. Now Wang Rui is going to be the main developer and Marco Jez is still the project's advisor and consultant. The new osgNV library will support the latest OSG updates and use CMake to build on different platforms.

A further plan of the new osgNV project is to support the latest nVIDIA SDK and Cg library, the CgFX format, the integration of nVIDIA PhysX and OSG, and even the integration of CUDA and OSG (But it may be first supported by osgPPU) in the future. The osgNVSLang and osgNVParse modules are not going to be updated if no more requirements.

10th September 2004
GLSL support added
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Support for the OpenGL Shading Language through ARB extensions has been added to the CVS version of osgNV. Thanks to the base abstraction framework for parameter management you can freely mix & match GLSL and Cg shaders (as well as pure assembly shaders) by sharing parameter values across them. All the existing additional features such as parameter value callbacks and pickers are automatically available in GLSL shaders. New classes are defined in the osgNVSlang module/namespace, see the osgnvslang1 example for a quick tour.