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osgNV Project Pages
Release date: 18 December 2008
Synchronized with latest OSG updates (2.7.6) and CMake building system is used.
New physics engine (nVIDIA physX) SUPPORT:
Add a new osgNVPhysx library, which is going to support the nVIDIA physX physics engine step by step! Creation and computation of scenes and rigid actors are supported at present.
Add a new example osgnvphysxboxes to demonstrate how to create a physics scene and dynamic boxes and do physics simulations using the osgNVPhysx library.
Cg interface changes:
Added new profiles supported by Cg 2.1.
Added new ProgramManager class to manage profiles, texture parameters and varying parameters.
Added new TextureParameterValue class for texture parameters (cgGLSetTextureParameter). No need always bind textures to texture units now.
Added new BufferParameterValue class for buffer parameters (cgSetProgramBuffer).
Integrated parameter pointer functions (cgGLSetParameterPointer) to LocalParameter, using setUseParamPointer() to switch between parameter pointers and arrays.
osgNVCg::VaryingParameter and osgNVCg::CgGeometry are deleted.
Fixed the destroying Cg contexts and programs problems.
Add a new example osgnvcgprograms, which demonstrates how to use Cg programs in different nodes, how to create callbacks for parameter animation, and how to use the new texture parameter class.
Added a new example osgnvcggeometry to demonstrate how to use gemetry shaders.
Add a new example osgnvcginkwash, which is contributed by a Chinese engineer Wei Ye and shows how to implement inkwash painting effect to models.